Connection & Advocacy


Not all accountants are CPAs. Among the most recognized and trusted financial advisors, CPAs adhere to a strict code of ethics based upon independence, integrity, objectivity and technical competence. CPAs are tested, continually educated and regulated by the State of Maine and the federal government.

image of calculator, charts and money

Why would you hire a CPA?

While most people use the terms accountant and CPA interchangeably, there are several big differences. The CPA credential carries enormous weight in business and financial circles. CPAs, as trusted advisors to both individuals and businesses, work in public practice, or in business and industry, government, education and non-profit organizations.

Looking for a CPA to Help You?

Whether you are looking for yourself or your business, there are many CPAs out there to help you. Find one that meets your needs with our Find A CPA tool. Read these five tips for choosing the right CPA.

Speakers Bureau

Need a CPA to speak in your classroom or at your next meeting? The MECPA can provide you with a qualified speaker to address a vast array of topics. Call us at (207) 761-0925, or email Patricia Brigham.

The CPA Credential: Not All Accountants are CPAs

Financial Literacy

What can a CPA do besides taxes and audits?

For Businesses

For Individuals